OSPRA Workshops

Faculty & Staff Hands-on Workshops to Advance UDM Sponsored Research Activities 

OSPRA Workshops 2024-25

OSPRA will offer 8 workshops throughout the 2024-25 academic year. All workshops will be held in the Life Sciences building, Room# 116, from 12:45-2pm.

This workshop series is designed to guide new and existing faculty through the basics of the grant lifecycle from finding funding to post-award reporting. Sessions will include the various regulatory changes for 2025 and provide guidance to ensure familiarity with university policies & procedures and federal regulations. Instructors will continue to encourage early communication/collaboration with OSPRA to ensure timely and accurate submissions, and advance UDM sponsored research activities.

Workshop Series Objectives: To foster a foundational, understand of the grant process, regulations, resources, Cayuse, forms and tools, while encouraging a mindset of early collaboration with OSPRA and advanced preparation of all common data/documents. Thereby, streamlining the proposal process allowing more time and focus on the narrative/budget while reducing the burden of collecting ancillary data. 

All workshops will be held in the Life Sciences Bldg Rm# 116, 12:45-2PM

Workshops | Register today!

*All workshops will be held in the Life Sciences Bldg Rm# 116, 12:45-2PM

OSPRA Workshop Schedule 
Oct. 24, 2024Closed: UDM Grant Process, Policies & Procedures for Proposal Preparation and Submission | Part 1
Nov. 12, 2024Closed: McNichols UDMPU Faculty Research Awards, Grant Preparation & Cayuse
Dec. 5, 2024Closed: UDM Budget Preparation for Grants, Costing, Calculating Fringe/Stipend, and Budget Justification | Part 2
Jan. 23, 2025Closed: Colleague Development Days: NIH/NSF New Grant Procedures, UDM Award Procedures & Post-Award Management
Jan. 30, 2025Effective Proposal Writing: Understanding the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Guidelines and Tips for Success 
Feb. 27, 2025Preparing Common Proposal Attachments

*Separate training can be scheduled for law, dental, and optometry upon request. To schedule One-on-One and small group sessions on the above or other topics, please contact Michele Favoretto favoremi@udmercy.edu